Estabanell – Smart Rural Grid

The project
The event Smart Rural Grid for Estabanell was held on the 23rd May at Auditori de Granollers.
EFS contracted d events platform for the organization of the event and the on-site management.

This event, which gathered worldwide green energy experts, had a special charm because of the enthusiasm that Estebanell shown from the very beginning, which made all the team be strongly committed with the project.

The event was a complete success. Out of its content, so up-to-date, we would like to stress that Apadis -which is an association that offers work opportunities to people in risk of exclusion- served the catering. This collaborative point of the event is something that makes us so proud of this project.
Project for:
Tasks & responsibilities:

Coordination, advising and organization of the event.

Special thanks to:

Coordination, advising and organization of the event.