For he second time, d events platform is in charge of the organization of the roadshow that Isdin celebrates around different cities of spain with the aim of bringing to their clients the latest news on Isdin photo protection products.
The tour took place around 11 cities and had a duration or a month and a half. It began in Barcelona on the 14th January and ended in Vigo on the 28th February, going through Málaga, Bilbao, Madrid, Sevilla, Valencia, Pamplona, Zaragoza, Tenerife and Las Palmas.
This is a long distance event in which all production and AV work is managed previously to the start of the circuit. Once on site, during about two months, we adapt the different events to de last circumstances.
Project for:
ISDIN Laboratory
Tasks & responsibilities:
Budget management, pre-production, logistics, production and on-site management. AV coordination and stage management of all events.
Special thanks to:
Thanks so much to Le Monnier for trusting us and to ISDIN for making us feel as part of the team.